Judy Kich

Mixed media, Printmaking, Painting

While dabbling in art all my life I see myself but have only really come to fulltime art making in recent years. I live in Orange in the Central Tablelands of NSW and enjoy creating in this beautiful region with its cool climate vineyards, orchards and mountain scenery.

As I see myself as just ‘visiting this planet’ and I often create images about my journey through this life – places I live, the people I meet and the experiences this brings. I like to create images that make people think – about who we are and the world around us. Sometimes this might mean trying to express visually something that I’ve read or been moved by in music. Sometimes it is just recreating a beautiful landscape in a new way.

Primarily, I like to paint but as with all artistic endeavours one thing leads to another and I have added using mixed media, assemblage and printmaking to my list of activities to explore.